Welcome friends! 

I’m Eric and I want to help you realize your musical ideas.  Do you find yourself asking any of these questions?

If so you’ve come to the right place!  Whether you’re just getting started or are a more experienced music maker, I can help you find the creative potential inside of you with my holistic and effective approach to making music.

“How can I be more creative with my songwriting?”
“How can I create more music with limited time and space?”
“Why does my creative process feel so disorganized?”
“How start making actual progress on my music projects?”

Subscribe to my newsletter and get my 5 Strategies To Finish Your Songs completely free.

I can help you make more of the music you want to make and bring your creative projects to life.

We live in an incredible time for making music with an abundance of tools, technology, and information at our disposal. But, even with all of these advantages it can feel more challenging than ever to actually do the work and make the music you want to make.

The truth is, you already have what it takes to make the music you want inside of you right now.  You just need to know how to find it and how to put a system in place for tapping into that more easily and more often.

As a life long singer, songwriter, and musician my passion for music has grown from bedroom songwriter, to professional performer, to recording, producing, and mixing music.  If you’re looking for the truth about how to realize the musical potential inside of you, you’re going to love my holistic approach to thinking, teaching, and living like an artist.

If you’re ready to get started, subscribe to my newsletter and let’s get to work!